.NET Weekly #172 (27.04 - 03.05)

Cloud & Web

  1. A Critique of React Hooks
  2. Introducing the fastest and most user-friendly content encryption
  3. Preventing mass assignment or over posting with Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core
  4. Migrating to ASP.NET Core
  5. Integrating ASP.NET Core with gRPC
  6. Stored Procedures, ORMs, and GraphQL

Tooling & Libraries

  1. MsQuic is Open Source
  2. Build Secure Apps on DigitalOcean with VPC and a Trustworthy Foundation
  3. curl 7.70.0 with JSON and MQTT
  4. How does a .NET profiler work
  5. The Safety Boat - Kubernetes and Rust
  6. Using dotTrace and dotMemory for production analysis on Linux
  7. Major Update to IdentityModel.OidcClient
  8. Demystifying Memory Profilers in C# .NET Part 2 – Memory Leaks

Architecture & Databases

  1. Paxos vs Raft - Have we reached consensus on distributed consensus
  2. Redis 6.0.0 GA is out
  3. Using PostgreSQL for JSON Storage
  4. Distributed transactions are Not Micro-services
  5. The Best Medium-Hard Data Analyst SQL Interview Questions
  6. To Microservices and Back Again - Why Segment Went Back to a Monolith
  7. My Favorite PostgreSQL Extensions - Part One
  8. My Favorite PostgreSQL Extensions - Part Two

Programming Languages

  1. Introducing C# Source Generators
  2. How to Strengthen Requirements for Pre-existing Data
  3. Complexity Has to Live Somewhere
  4. Async Wandering Part 7 — Exceptions on unobserved tasks
  5. Announcing TypeScript 3.9 RC
  6. The Dispose Pattern is Broken


  1. How Socket Error Codes Depend on Runtime and Operating System
  2. Work flow of diagnosing memory performance issues – Part 2
  3. .NET Runtime Form Factors


  1. Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes, now a CNCF graduated project
  2. Rust WinRT Public Preview
  3. Why Zoom Chose Oracle
  4. Domesticating Kubernetes
  5. Internet performance during the COVID-19 emergency
  6. Microsoft Build 2020 registration is not only open, it's FREE, it's LIVE, it's VIRTUAL, and it is all FOR YOU

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