.NET Weekly #139 (12.08 - 18.08)

Cloud & Web

  1. Spying on HTTPS
  2. Azure SignalR Service now supports Event Grid
  3. Getting Started with gRPC Client Factory
  4. Fantastic Front-End Performance Tricks And Why We Do Them
  5. High-performance input handling on the web
  6. Your single source for Azure best practices

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Faster C# scripting with JetBrains Rider
  2. Debugger additions for Rider 2019.2 - Pin to Top, Floating Actions, and Redesigned Stack Frames
  3. Introducing the New React DevTools
  4. Cloud Shell Web Preview, debug individual Azure Functions, explore ARM – Azure Toolkit for Rider 2019.2 updates
  5. EF Core 3.0 Preview 8 and EF6.3 Preview 8 have shipped
  6. Find all references in public repositories
  7. Highlights from Git 2.23
  8. AutoMapper 9.0 Released

Architecture & Databases

  1. Motivating CRDTs
  2. 3 Kinds of Good Tech Debt
  3. Scaling NSQ to 750 Billion Messages
  4. Documenting Software Architecture
  5. The (not so) hidden cost of sharing code between iOS and Android
  6. Why Atlassian uses an internal PaaS to regulate AWS access
  7. How to choose the partition key

Programming Languages

  1. Breaking all existing Hex Encoding Records with .NET Core 3.0
  2. Nullable references in C# 8.0
  3. A plugin system with .NET Core
  4. .NET Debugging - 6 techniques you need in your arsenal
  5. The Order of the JSON
  6. Announcing TypeScript 3.6 RC
  7. Cocktail Shaker Sort - The Sorting Algorithm Family Reunion
  8. Bogosort - The Sorting Algorithm Family Reunion
  9. Transactional Memory and Tech Hype Waves
  10. Logging in C# .NET Modern-day Practices - The Complete Guide


  1. Add ABI stress tests
  2. Tiered compilation for Mono runtime
  3. Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 8
  4. V8 release v7.7
  5. Consolidating .NET GitHub repos
  6. Associating threadpool queues with CPU cores


  1. On Shutting Down a Startup
  2. Microsoft Screws Customers and its Own Advocates Alike
  3. My Home Lab Server With 20 Cores / 40 Threads and 128 GB Memory
  4. The Horror of Microsoft Teams
  5. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Programmers
  6. Hiring is Broken - What Do Developers Say About Technical Interviews
  7. On Guilt-Free Open Source
  8. Tech Interview Handbook

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