.NET Weekly #109 (31.12 - 06.01)
Cloud & Web
- Contemporary Views on Serverless and Implications
- Seven reasons to learn Vue.js in 2019
- Vue.js 3.0 Roadmap
- Open redirects - the vulnerability class no one but attackers cares about
- Reuse HttpContext object per HTTP 1 connection and HTTP 2 stream
- Using dependency injection with Twilio SMS and ASP.NET Core 2.1
Tooling & Libraries
- Which tool do you use to create beautiful diagrams?
- Linux KVM Continues Offering Much Better Out-Of-The-Box Performance Than VirtualBox
- K8S - Confused Deputies Strike Back
- Future of F# cross-platform editor tooling
- Let's Encrypt - Looking Forward to 2019
- A Look at what’s new in Rider 2018.3 - Code Completion, TODO and More
- JetBrains Developer Ecosystem Survey 2019 Launched
- fbt, a JavaScript internationalization framework
- mkcert - valid HTTPS certificates for localhost
Architecture & Databases
- PostgreSQL Replication for Disaster Recovery
- Introduction to SQL Server Security — Part 1
- An Overview of Just-in-Time Compilation (JIT) for PostgreSQL
- From relational DB to single DynamoDB table - a step-by-step exploration
- 2018 in Review - The Biggest Developments around Microservices, API Gateways, Kubernetes and Service Mesh
- Modeling data using a multi model database
- MySQL Performance Cheat Sheet
- How to Slow Down to Go Faster Than Ever in Software Development
- Protecting SQL Server Data Using Static Data Masking
Programming Languages
- LVC - Linear Verified Compiler
- Getting Started with CQRS – Part 2
- Yet Another F# Web Framework
- Accessibility of nested classes
- C++, C# and Unity
- Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages
- Optimizing the WinDbg DML parser
- Trash talk - the Orinoco garbage collector
- Exploiting the Math.expm1 typing bug in V8
- Open Source CLRs - Seattle Mobile .NET
- Unmanaged constructed types
- Introduction to Quantum Cryptography
- Even more fun with building and benchmarking Firefox with GCC and Clang
- Java in 2019 - Some Predictions
- Improving your open source experience
- How to see Systems in everyday life
- Open Source Business Models Considered Harmful
- The epoll alternative you've never heard about