.NET Weekly #55 (24.09 - 01.10)

Cloud & Web

  1. Azure SQL Database VNET Service Endpoints now in public preview
  2. Using EF Core and SQLite to persist SignalR Group messages in ASP.NET Core
  3. Using anonymous types and tuples to attach correlation IDs to scope state with Serilog and Seq in ASP.NET Core
  4. Develop Azure Functions on any platform
  5. A few notes on creating Class Libraries for ASP.NET Core

Tooling & Libraries

  1. How-to guide for deploying Aerospike with Docker Swarm
  2. RedHat Announces Support for Azure, .Net Core 2.0 and SQL Server 2017
  3. Relicensing the GraphQL specification
  4. React 16 - A look inside an API-compatible rewrite of our frontend UI library
  5. Petabridge.Cmd and Akka.Monitoring Updated to Support Akka.NET v1.3.1
  6. ILSpy 3.0 Preview 1

Architecture & Databases

  1. PayPal’s API Style Guide and Patterns
  2. Migrating a database from InnoDB to MyRocks
  3. Invited article in IEEE Software – Technical Debt Challenges and Perspectives
  4. How Much Unit Testing is Enough?
  5. Cloud SOLID Part II - Cloud Architecture and the Open/Closed Principle
  6. PostgreSQL's Hash Indexes Are Now Cool

Programming Languages

  1. Interception vis-à-vis Pure DI
  2. Build a web service with F# and .NET Core 2.0
  3. Announcing SAFE stack
  4. Web Truths - JavaScript can’t be trusted


  1. The Book of the Runtime - The internals of the .NET Runtime that you won't find in the documentation
  2. Improve Density of GC heap by String Interning (de-duping) on Gen2 GC
  3. .NET Framework September 2017 Preview of Quality Rollup
  4. It Is Time For Time Travel


  1. Project Jigsaw - Complete
  2. Open Sourcing Vespa, Yahoo’s Big Data Processing and Serving Engine
  3. It’s time to give Firefox another chance
  4. Apple open sources iOS kernel

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