.NET Weekly #59 (23.10 - 29.10)

Cloud & Web

  1. Exploring the ASP.NET Core Identity PasswordHasher
  2. Migrating passwords in ASP.NET Core Identity with a custom PasswordHasher
  3. .NET Core 2.0 and ASP.NET Core 2.0 are Here
  4. Cray Supercomputers are coming to Azure
  5. Secure your ASP.NET Core 2.0 API (part 2 - restrict access to JWT bearers only)
  6. Azure Functions Now Support Java

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Akka.NET v1.3.2 Stable Release
  2. First steps in integration of Windows and Linux Containers in OpenShift
  3. Debugging React Like a Champ with VSCode
  4. VSCode - The Icon Journey
  5. .NET Core DevOps with Docker, Travis CI and Rancher – part 1

Architecture & Databases

  1. Scaling Event-Sourcing at Jet
  2. Something Rotten In The Core
  3. Aerospike - Benchmarking Speed At Scale
  4. Achieving High-Throughput for Specific Data Access Pattern
  5. Importing JSON Data from Web Services and Applications into SQL Server

Programming Languages

  1. Convex hull monoid
  2. C# 7.2 New Features With Visual Studio 2017
  3. Using operator overloads for concatenating file system paths in CSharp
  4. Why we used Pony to write Wallaroo


  1. .NET Core Performance Profiling with Intel® VTune™ Amplifier 2018
  2. Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2017-8585 - Malformed Culture can cause application crash
  3. .NET Framework Compatibility Pack
  4. Add generic Math methods for numeric types
  5. Time Travel Debugging FAQ


  1. Rendering HTML5 video in Servo with GStreamer
  2. Open Sourcing the Java Debugger for Visual Studio Code
  3. Who contributed the most to open source in 2017? Let’s analyze GitHub’s data and find out
  4. The Upspin manifesto - On the ownership and sharing of data
  5. Opinion Time - Should Code Reviews Include Manual Testing?
  6. Crossing the Line - Skill Atrophy
  7. Can You Afford It? Real-world Web Performance Budgets

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