.NET Weekly #74 (12.03 - 18.03)

Cloud & Web

  1. ASP.NET Core Configuration Tips
  2. ASP.NET Core 2.1.0-preview1 - Introducing Identity UI as a library
  3. Service Fabric is going open source
  4. Transport Layer Security (TLS) best practices with the .NET Framework article published
  5. Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs - Server Caching
  6. From .NET Framework to .NET Core and Linux, the story so far

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Seq on Docker - Developer Preview 1
  2. MS Orleans RC2
  3. More love from BenchmarkDotNet to CoreFX
  4. Xamarin docs open-sourced
  5. GDPR Tools in SSMS
  6. Ooui.Wasm - .NET in the browser
  7. Docker for Windows 18.02 now supports Linux and Windows containers running side-by-side via LCOW, using a single Docker daemon

Architecture & Databases

  1. Dividing frontend from backend is an antipattern
  2. Events Are Reshaping the Future of Distributed Systems
  3. Reactive DDD - Modeling Uncertainty
  4. Technical Debt and the Rewrite-In-Place
  5. Data Retention - An Inexact Art

Programming Languages

  1. Composite as a monoid
  2. Custom directory enumeration in .NET Core 2.1
  3. Lightweight .NET Core benchmarking with BenchmarkDotNet and dotnet-script
  4. Announcing TypeScript 2.8 RC
  5. Implementing API Gateway Pattern in fsharp using Hopac
  6. Concurrent Programming in fsharp using Hopac - Part 4
  7. An Easier Way of Transposing Query Result in SQL Server
  8. Fluent Interfaces Are Bad for Maintainability
  9. JavaScript vs. TypeScript vs. ReasonML


  1. How to use Span and Memory
  2. ILEmit backend for DependencyInjeciton
  3. JIT produces suboptimal code (unnecessary call) when using recent ReadOnlySpan compiler optimizations
  4. Announcement - Driving towards zero 2.1 bugs by March 31 (ZBB)
  5. Remove some low-hanging fruit allocations from SocketsHttpHandler connections
  6. There is now a daily community build of an arm32 .NET Core 2.1 SDK


  1. In praise of SWARMing
  2. How to write a successful conference proposal
  3. Rust's 2018 roadmap
  4. Building Windows - 4 million commits, 10 million work items
  5. SO Developer Survey Results 2018
  6. Semantic Image Segmentation with DeepLab in TensorFlow
  7. EU wants to require platforms to filter uploaded content (including code)
  8. Stack Overflow Culture
  9. Which Distribution of Linux Should I Use?

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