.NET Weekly #61 (06.11 - 12.11)

Cloud & Web

  1. The GraphQL stack - How everything fits together
  2. Deploying IPv6 in Dropbox Edge Network
  3. Handling conditional requests in ASP.NET Core MVC
  4. Auditing with EF Core and Sql Server – Part 1 - Temporal tables
  5. Ten Extras for Great API Documentation
  6. EF Core Multi-Tenancy - Query Filter
  7. Simple React Patterns

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Lambda and serverless is one of the worst forms of proprietary lock-in we've ever seen in the history of humanity
  2. VS Code 1.18
  3. GitHub welcomes all CI tools
  4. Growing Pains - Migrating Slack’s Desktop App to BrowserView
  5. AutoMapper 6.2.0 Released
  6. End of IdentityServer3 Maintenance

Architecture & Databases

  1. Twelve Patterns for Hypermedia Microservices
  2. A New NoSQL Technical Comparison Reveals Couchbase Server Bests MongoDB and Cassandra
  3. Riak replication is now open sourced under Apache 2
  4. How Sentry Receives 20 Billion Events Per Month While Preparing to Handle Twice That
  5. Designing Event Sourced Microservices
  6. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Programming Languages

  1. Function monoids
  2. ES proposal - import.meta – module metadata
  3. .NET IL Generation - Writing DeepCopy
  4. Functional Programming Jargon


  1. Specialized struct generics rather than interface
  2. Update profiling API status
  3. A DoS Attack against the C# Compiler
  4. Reduce TypeSymbolExtensions.VisitType's promiscuity


  1. Multiview support lands in Servo - architecture and optimizations
  2. Eight years of Go
  3. The bare minimum a distributed system developer should know about - Certificates
  4. The bare minimum a distributed system developer should know - DNS
  5. Five Features to Make Java Even Better
  6. Accelerating the adoption of enterprise blockchain
  7. Edge Computing — The New Frontier of the Web

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