.NET Weekly #157 (30.12 - 05.01)
Cloud & Web
- Reducing log verbosity with Serilog RequestLogging
- Promiscuous Cookies and Their Impending Death via the SameSite Policy
- Unit Testing the Business Layer in ASP.NET Core with Moq and XUnit
- Unit Testing ASP.NET Core MVC Controllers with Moq and XUnit
- CSS Architecture for Component-Based Applications
- The AKS Architecture Map
Tooling & Libraries
- Pulumi - 2019 Year at a Glance
- Doing a database join with CSV files
- Chaos Engineering your .NET applications using Simmy
- MediatR 8.0 Released
Architecture & Databases
- Growing a farm of rabbits to scale financial applications - Video
- Scaling React Server-Side Rendering
- Proper software architecture for a new project
- An Overview of Multi-Document ACID Transactions in MongoDB and How to Use Them
- Distributed systems learnings in 2019
Programming Languages
- Measuring Mutexes, Spinlocks and how Bad the Linux Scheduler Really is
- I'm not feeling the async pressure
- Putting devs before users - how frameworks destroyed web performance
- Mutexes Are Faster Than Spinlocks
- No nuances, just buggy code - related to Spinlock implementation and the Linux Scheduler
- State-based CRDTs - Maps
- A technique for building high-performance databases with EF Core