.NET Weekly #64 (27.11 - 03.12)

Cloud & Web

  1. Improving Document Preview Performance
  2. ASP.NET Core Demystified - Middleware
  3. Working around the lack of dynamic DbProviderFactory loading in .NET Core
  4. Microsoft Research and Microsoft Azure improve the efficiency and capacity of cloud-scale optical networks
  5. Configuring HTTPS in ASP.NET Core across different platforms

Tooling & Libraries

  1. NuGet package statistics
  2. BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.11 has been released - ByRef and Stack-only support, .NET Core 2.1 support
  3. Home, home on the range - Installing Kubernetes using Rancher 2.0
  4. Load Balancing Strategies for Consul
  5. MediatR 4.0 Released
  6. Practical Microsoft Orleans

Architecture & Databases

  1. ThoughtWorks TechRadar 2017 is published
  2. Redis 4.0.3 is out and is a CRITICAL upgrade
  3. SQL Server Machine Learning Services – Part 1 Python Basics
  4. Current State of the NewSQL/NoSQL Cloud Arena
  5. Build Better GraphQL APIs - Thinking In Graphs

Programming Languages

  1. Semigroups
  2. NULL in SQL - Indicating the Absence of Data
  3. How Jet Built a GPU-Powered Fulfillment Engine with F# and CUDA
  4. Precompiled Azure Functions in F#


  1. Exploring the BBC micro:bit Software Stack
  2. Dissecting the async methods in C#
  3. Debugging .NET Core CLR afterword
  4. Benchmarking .NET Core 2.0/2.1 applications with BenchmarkDotNet
  5. If you have a finalizer, watch your ctor


  1. How Micro Is Your Tasking?
  2. Kotlin 1.2 Released - Sharing Code between Platforms
  3. Fixing Those Broken Windows - Dealing with Technical Debt
  4. Questions about Data Masking That You Were Too Shy to Ask
  5. Python 3 Readiness - 345/360 most popular Python packages now support Python 3

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