.NET Weekly #155 (16.12 - 22.12)

Cloud & Web

  1. GCP Comes Out Swinging Against AWS and Azure in 2020 Cloud Report
  2. Still Why No HTTPS
  3. Google Cloud Platform Security Best Practices
  4. Force ASP.NET Core OpenID Connect client to require MFA
  5. Introduction to Blazor Component Testing

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Announcing Message DB - Event Store and Message Store for PostgreSQL
  2. Avalonia 0.9.0 Release
  3. State of JS 2019
  4. RabbitMQ Highlights 2019 - Best Of The BEAM
  5. Use GitHub actions at your own risk
  6. VSCode repository is open again
  7. On Linux's Random Number Generation
  8. Dynamic Database Credentials with Vault and Kubernetes
  9. Announcing the PowerShell 7.0 Release Candidate

Architecture & Databases

  1. Making S3 more resilient using Lambda Edge
  2. Software Performance Tuning Methodology - Discover, Design, Measure & Refine
  3. Redis 6 RC1 is out today
  4. When an SQL database makes a great Pub/Sub
  5. How a SQL database works
  6. Khan Academy switching server software to Go
  7. From Monolith to Microservices - Scaling out Your Architecture
  8. Concurrency, Scalability and Transactions - Myths and Surprises - Video
  9. PostgreSQL Database Monitoring - Tips for What to Monitor

Programming Languages

  1. Zone of Ceremony
  2. A Quantum Random Number Generator for .NET - The quantum measurement problem and many-worlds approach
  3. SQL Murder Mystery
  4. What Is JavaScript Made Of
  5. Assertion messages in tests
  6. Against Railway-Oriented Programming
  7. Supporting Custom JWT Signing Algorithms in .NET Core


  1. GC Eager Root Collection
  2. V8 release v8.0
  3. Dumping stack objects with ClrMD
  4. Mono + dotnet/runtime Migration
  5. Up Next - .NET 5


  1. Principles of Calm Technology
  2. JVM Garbage Collectors Benchmarks Report 19.12
  3. Runtime Support for Multicore Haskell - a Retrospective
  4. One million ought to be enough for anybody
  5. This Page is Designed to Last
  6. The sad state of personal data and infrastructure
  7. Lessons Learned - 10 years of running a software consultancy

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