.NET Weekly #131 (17.06 - 23.06)
Cloud & Web
- Relearn CSS layout
- Web Single Sign-On, the SAML 2.0 perspective
- Announcing the preview of Microsoft Azure Bastion
- A New State Management for Vue.js
- Running Containers in AWS, the Lowdown - ECS, Fargate, and EKS
- Why I don't use web components
- When should you be using Web Workers
- Creating dynamic feature flags with feature filters Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 3
- Creating a custom feature filter Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 4
- Pull Panda is joining GitHub
- Docker loves WSL 2 – The Future of Docker Desktop for Windows
- HAProxy 2.0 and Beyond
- Announcing Envoy Mobile
- NuGet Spring 2019 Roadmap
- League of Entropy - Not All Heroes Wear Capes
- GitLab 12.0 released with Visual Reviews and Dependency List
- Vue RFC - Expose logic-related component options via function-based APIs instead
Architecture & Databases
- Classes vs. Data Structures
- Lessons learned from rewriting code in my 10+ years as a developer
- Towards multiverse databases
- How Fast can A Single Instance of Redis be
- Announcing Timescale Cloud - The first fully-managed time-series database service that runs on AWS, GCP, and Azure
- Nines are not enough - meaningful metrics for clouds
- Forget monoliths vs. microservices. Cognitive load is what matters
- How to do distributed locking
- Stack History - A Timeline of Slack's Tech Stack Evolution
- The End of SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 Extended Support
Programming Languages
- Comparing the Same Project in Rust, Haskell, C++, Python, Scala and OCaml
- Things I Learnt The Hard Way (in 30 Years of Software Development)
- Everything You Need to Know About Date in JavaScript
- Why LINQ ForEach is wrong
- Now or Never - Migrating 300k LOC from Flow to TypeScript at Quizlet
- Using High-Performance Techniques to Base64 Encode a GUID
- Understanding Worker Threads in Node.js
- Composition Root location
- New IL instruction or new IL pattern to represent an invocation of a method implementation found in specific base type
- Span of T performance issues on Linux versus Windows
- V8 release v7.6
- Avoiding instruction cache misses
- In defence of the technical interview
- How to ask interviewers great questions
- The Evolving Infrastructure of .NET Core
- How Much Do They Suffer
- Introducing time.cloudflare.com
- You are not Google. You are not Netflix