.NET Weekly #129 (03.06 - 09.06)

Cloud & Web

  1. Building a Live Reload Middleware Component for ASP.NET Core
  2. Google Cloud - An update on Sunday’s service disruption
  3. Just Write Code - Improving Developer Experience for Cloudflare Workers
  4. Improving Browser Performance 10x
  5. Add SystemdServices package that provides Host integration for systemd
  6. WCF vs gRPC - Round 2
  7. CSS Grid - No Nonsense Layouts
  8. An Interesting Case Of .NET Performance and Caching
  9. Microservices and more in .NET Core 3.0

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Suggesting Changes on GitHub
  2. dotnet-netrace - Collects network traces of .NET applications.
  3. Awesome Plugins for Rider - UI/UX
  4. This Month in RabbitMQ — June 2019
  5. GitHub - Generate new repositories with repository templates
  6. GitHub Desktop 2.0 expands to support stashing and rebasing
  7. Welcoming Core WCF to the .NET Foundation
  8. Highlights from Git 2.22
  9. VSCode version 1.35

Architecture & Databases

  1. Linux Applications Performance - Introduction
  2. Anti-patterns
  3. Becoming the ASP.NET Architect with David Fowler
  4. Reflecting architecture and domain in code
  5. Predictive CPU isolation of containers at Netflix
  6. How to Optimize PostgreSQL Logical Replication
  7. PostgreSQL - Query Parallelism in Action

Programming Languages

  1. Unexceptional non-blocking task-based flow control in .NET
  2. Functional JavaScript - How to use array reduce for more than just numbers
  3. Types and Tests
  4. Should array length be stored into a local variable in C#
  5. How Can We Efficiently Sort Socks with C#
  6. Serializing a PascalCase Newtonsoft.Json JObject to camelCase
  7. Extension Methods Guidelines in C# .NET


  1. Breaking changes in .NET Core and how things have changed over time
  2. Kestrel's transport abstractions have been removed and made public instead of pubternal
  3. Some insights on tiered compilation
  4. Guarded Devirtualization


  1. Remote working – Bringing sanity to mind & lessons worth learning
  2. Getting to 10x (Results) - What Any Developer Can Learn from the Best
  3. 7 absolute truths I unlearned as junior developer
  4. DigitalOcean - An Update on Last Week's Customer Shutdown Incident
  5. Announcing TensorFlow 2.0 Beta
  6. Seven ways to get traction for your early-stage product or startup

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