.NET Weekly #169 (06.04 - 12.04)

Cloud & Web

  1. A Static Future - The magic of compile-time workflows
  2. AWS Account Structure - Think twice before using AWS Organizations
  3. 5 ways to set the URLs for an ASP.NET Core app
  4. Setting ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Using a Web.Config File
  5. ASP.NET Core 5 – Enabling Razor runtime compilation

Tooling & Libraries

  1. log4net is a dormant project starting from 2020-04-01
  2. Bootstrap 5 - drop IE support
  3. Coyote - Making it easier for developers to build reliable asynchronous software
  4. Announcing the First FIDO2 Certified Component for ASP.NET Core
  5. VSCode 1.44
  6. Announcing HashiCorp Vault 1.4
  7. HashiCorp Nomad 0.11 General Availability
  8. .NET Core performance revolution in Rider 2020.1

Architecture & Databases

  1. Stateful Functions 2.0 - An Event-driven Database on Apache Flink
  2. Deploys at Slack
  3. The Ten Rules for Data Modeling with DynamoDB
  4. Systems that defy detailed understanding
  5. Refactoring - This class is too large
  6. Project Orleans and the distributed database future with Dr. Philip Bernstein
  7. How are .NET APIs Designed
  8. On architecture, urban planning and software construction

Programming Languages

  1. Repeatable execution in C#
  2. A humble guide to database schema design
  3. Interactive guide to Buffer Overflow exploitation
  4. The 1, 2, n pattern
  5. Unit Testing Dependencies - The Complete Guide
  6. Building End-to-End Diagnostics and Tracing - Trace Context
  7. .NET Inside Out Part 16 — Abusing type system


  1. Work flow of diagnosing memory performance issues – Part 0
  2. Mobius – .NET runtime running on .NET Core
  3. Import PEM keys
  4. How RyuJIT inlines a function


  1. Running your own secure communication service with Matrix and Jitsi
  2. Subtasks vs Capabilities
  3. Cloudflare - Moving from reCAPTCHA to hCaptcha
  4. Why I’m leaving Elm
  5. Take-home vs whiteboard coding - The problem is bad interviews
  6. Pass the AWS Developer Associate Exam With This Free 16-Hour Course

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