.NET Weekly #138 (05.08 - 11.08)

Cloud & Web

  1. Vue.js 3 - Future-Oriented Programming
  2. How We Reduced Lambda Functions Costs by Thousands of Dollars
  3. Update on .NET Standard adoption
  4. Why is modern web development so complicated
  5. HTTP Desync Attacks - Request Smuggling Reborn
  6. IdentityServer and Signing Key Rotation
  7. Zero Downtime Deployment for ASP.NET applications

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Performance Profiling and Diagnostics for .NET Core on Linux
  2. Vue-router v3.1.0
  3. BlazingSQL is Now Open Source
  4. Syslog - The Complete System Administrator Guide
  5. Say hello to Rider 2019.2
  6. Analyzing native memory allocation with BenchmarkDotNet
  7. GitHub Actions now supports CI/CD, free for public repositories
  8. React v16.9.0 and the Roadmap Update
  9. VSCode 1.37
  10. Debug & Catch Exceptions in Visual Studio - The Complete Guide

Architecture & Databases

  1. Stack Overflow - How We Do App Caching - 2019 Edition
  2. Achieving High Availability with RabbitMQ
  3. The Cloud
  4. Build highly available MySQL applications using Amazon Aurora Multi-Master
  5. Introducing Distributed transaction functionality on SQL Server 2017 on Linux starting with CU16

Programming Languages

  1. Meta-programming in F#
  2. How Does the Development Mode Work
  3. C# Records v2
  4. Remainder operator vs. modulo operator
  5. Learn Advanced TypeScript
  6. Quick Sort - The Sorting Algorithm Family Reunion
  7. Think Twice Before Returning null
  8. Heap Sort - The Sorting Algorithm Family Reunion
  9. Immutability in Message Types


  1. Optimize constant_string.Length
  2. Getting 4x Speedup With .NET Core 3.0 SIMD Intrinsics
  3. Custom memory allocation in C# Part 12 — Hiding objects from GC


  1. the Linux kernel's inability to gracefully handle low memory pressure
  2. All the best engineering advice I stole from non-technical people
  3. Documentation - your secret weapon
  4. One job, many roles. The different skills needed to be a successful CTO
  5. mproving .NET Core installation in Visual Studio and on Windows
  6. GitHub stars won’t pay your rent

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