.NET Weekly #53 (11.09 - 17.09)
Cloud & Web
- .NET Framework 4.7.1 ASP.NET and Configuration features
- Announcing SignalR for ASP.NET Core 2.0
- How to include scopes when logging exceptions in ASP.NET Core
- Using a CDN and Front-End Optimization to Boost Website Performance
Tooling & Libraries
- Sysinternals Update - Sysmon v6.10, Process Monitor v3.40, Autoruns v13.80, AccessChk v6.11
- Ionide 3.0 released
- MSBuild Major performance improvements
- Announcing Orleans 2.0 Tech Preview 3
- Fable 1.2 Announced along with First FableConf
- Sublime Text 3.0
Architecture & Databases
- Serverless beyond Functions
- Betting on Riak - bet365’s acquisition and its consequences for the product
- Multiple Perspectives On Technical Problems and Solutions
- Yet Another Evil Suffix For Object Names - Client
- Resilient Functional Service Design
- Migrating from RethinkDB to Postgres — An Experience Report
Programming Languages
- 12 practical ways for executing F# scripts
- Test data without Builders
- The design side of programming language design
- Flow and TypeScript
- Managed object internals, Part 3. The layout of a managed array
- NET Framework September 2017 Security and Quality Rollup
- RyuJIT Tutorial
- Mono on WebAssembly status update