.NET Weekly #79 (16.04 - 22.04)

Cloud & Web

  1. Microsoft introduces Azure Sphere for securing IoT devices
  2. Avoiding threading issues in ASP.NET Core
  3. Creating a generic Markdown Page Handler in ASP.NET Core
  4. Using an IActionFilter to read action method parameter values in ASP.NET Core MVC
  5. AWS Secrets Manager - Store, Distribute, and Rotate Credentials Securely
  6. Designing very large (JavaScript) applications

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Be better WPF / MvvmLight developer in 2018
  2. BenchmarkDotNet CoreRT support
  3. IdentityServer4 2.2 released
  4. Organizations on NuGet.org
  5. Blazor 0.2.0 release now available
  6. JB Rider 2018.1 released
  7. Dependency Injection Benchmarks
  8. NHibernate Profiler and Entity Framework Profiler 5.0 RTM

Architecture & Databases

  1. Apple open-sourced FoundationDb
  2. Distributed architecture concepts I learned while building a large payments system
  3. Vertical Slice Architecture
  4. Provisioning SQL Server Instances with Docker
  5. Finding overlapping ranges of data
  6. What’s New in MySQL 8.0? (Generally Available)

Programming Languages

  1. Endomorphic Composite as a monoid
  2. Cheat sheet on JavaScript strings
  3. Improving .NET Disruptor performance — Part 1
  4. An Introduction to ADL (or how to double your native interop performance)
  5. First steps with nullable reference types
  6. Distributed tracing, lessons learned


  1. Port JIT and GC to C#
  2. Performance Improvements in .NET Core 2.1
  3. Enable faster invoke in interpreter
  4. .NET Core April 2018 Update


  1. How to Be Lazy and Stay Calm
  2. Google workloads for consumer devices - mitigating data movement bottlenecks
  3. The Agile Expanse
  4. Open Container Initiative Announces Distribution Specification Project

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