.NET Weekly #122 (01.04 - 07.04)

Cloud & Web

  1. Form Validation in Under an Hour with Vuelidate
  2. How to Unlock the Full Potential of Prop Types in Vue
  3. Async suffix for controller action names will be trimmed by default
  4. Announcing the Azure Functions Premium plan for enterprise serverless workloads
  5. Dilemmas With React Hooks - Part 2 - Persistence And Memoization
  6. Demystifying Containers - Part I - Kernel Space
  7. Comparing Nuclio and AWS Lambda

Tooling & Libraries

  1. fable-compiler 2.2
  2. Native Javascript alternatives to jQuery methods
  3. Introducing the New Chef - 100% Open, Always
  4. Tools for REST API monitoring in 2019
  5. BenchmarkDotNet v0.11.5
  6. Visual Studio 2019 .NET productivity
  7. StackExchange.Redis - fixes an intermittent timeout problem
  8. NuGet 5.0 Release Notes
  9. VSCode 1.33
  10. Announcing ML.NET 1.0 RC – Machine Learning for .NET

Architecture & Databases

  1. Domain-Oriented Observability
  2. You probably don't need that hip web framework
  3. Why a Microservices Hybrid Model Is What You Probably Need Instead
  4. PostgreSQL performance on Raspberry Pi
  5. Why We Moved from Heroku to Google Kubernetes Engine
  6. AWS vs K8s is the new Windows vs Linux
  7. Architecting UIs for Change
  8. API Gateways Are Going Through an Identity Crisis
  9. Software Project Review Checklist
  10. An Introduction to Time Series Databases
  11. Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems

Programming Languages

  1. An example of state-based testing in C#
  2. C# 8 - The output of Nullable Reference Types and how to reflect it
  3. How to Beat Array Iteration Performance with Parallelism in C# .NET
  4. Fixing Random, part 18
  5. Fixing Random, part 19
  6. Creating a collaborative app using CRDTs
  7. Announcing F# 4.6
  8. Why NuGet Package Signing Is Not (Yet) for Me
  9. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of SQL
  10. Production ready code is much more than error handling


  1. Implementation of Hardware Intrinsics in CoreCLR
  2. Making CPU configuration better for GC on machines with more than 64 CPUs
  3. .NET Core Roadmap
  4. Support for fast mixed mode call stack determination


  1. Introducing Warp - Fixing Mobile Internet Performance and Security
  2. Deadlines Are Killing Us, And Almost Everything Else I Know About Leadership
  3. On Being a Free Software Maintainer
  4. What comes after open source
  5. Why Wolfram Tech Isn’t Open Source—A Dozen Reasons
  6. Sonic - a minimalist alternative to Elasticsearch written in Rust
  7. Why I removed Grammarly chrome extension and deleted my Grammarly account
  8. Ginseng - keeping secrets in registers when you distrust the operating system
  9. EverCrypt cryptographic provider offers developers greater security assurances

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