.NET Weekly #50 (21.08 - 27.08)

Cloud & Web

  1. ASP.NET Core Demystified - Action Results
  2. Setting a Custom Default Page in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
  3. Write recursive AWS Lambda functions the right way
  4. Implementing concurrent requests limit in ASP.NET Core for fun and education
  5. Using CancellationTokens in ASP.NET Core MVC controllers

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Migrating Complex NuGet solutions to Paket
  2. Rider 2017.1.1 is released
  3. Facebook Refuses to Alter React's Open Source License
  4. ReSharper Ultimate 2017.2 is released
  5. Continuously Deploy Azure Functions from a GitHub Subfolder

Architecture & Databases

  1. The Complexity That Is Hidden in Microservices and Event Sourcing
  2. Selecting an Event Architecture
  3. Why don’t you unit test SQL Server code?
  4. Returning JSON from SQL Server Queries
  5. Why is My Database Application so Slow?

Programming Languages

  1. What's the future of F#?
  2. A Preview of C# 8 with Mads Torgersen
  3. July/August Update for F# and Visual F# Tools
  4. Generalised Test Data Builder
  5. Typing import statements more quickly


  1. Zero Garbage Collector for .NET Core
  2. .NET Framework Update for AppContext
  3. Performance comparison - linear search vs binary search
  4. Developers Pit .NET Core 2.0 Performance Against Java, Go


  1. Roy sells ThoughtWorks
  2. Google Researcher Invented New Technology to Bring Neural Networks to Mobile Devices
  3. LLVM has Documented the PDB Format, Complete with PDB to YAML Conversion
  4. Microsoft researchers achieve new conversational speech recognition milestone
  5. Microsoft unveils Project Brainwave for real-time AI
  6. OCaml - New implementation of Git

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