.NET Weekly #7 (24.10 - 30.10)
Cloud & Web
Tooling & Libraries
- ReSharper Ultimate 2016.3 EAP 5
- Node.js v7 ChangeLog
- What's new in Serilog? (October 2016)
- Announcing NuGet 3.5 RTM
- RavenDB 3.5 RTM released
Architecture & Databases
- Mentoring and pair programming
- Introduction to the 'Fail Fast!' Principle in Software Development
- When variable names are in the way
- Elements of Helpful Code Documentation
- CQRS/MediatR implementation patterns
Programming Languages
- Interception in .NET – Part 4: An Interception Framework
- Announcing .NET Core 1.1 Preview 1
- How does the 'fixed' keyword work?