.NET Weekly #70 (12.02 - 18.02)

Cloud & Web

  1. Cloud TPU machine learning accelerators now available in beta
  2. Adding HTTP Headers to improve Security in an ASP.NET MVC Core application
  3. PDF Generation in Azure Functions V2
  4. Optimising ASP.NET Core apps in Docker - avoiding manually copying csproj files
  5. AWS Lambda – monolithic functions won’t help you with cold starts
  6. Discovering Issues with HTTP/2 via Chaos Testing
  7. Serverless Databases - The Future of Event-Driven Architecture

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Math.NET Numerics 4.0
  2. Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications.
  3. Web Framework Benchmarks Round 15
  4. Profiling an app on a server. What options do you have?
  5. Announcing ASP.NET MVC 5.2.4, Web API 5.2.4, and Web Pages 3.2.4
  6. Infrastructure as Code

Architecture & Databases

  1. Using Google Artificial Intelligence Services in Couchbase N1QL
  2. NoSQL Performance Benchmark 2018 – MongoDB, PostgreSQL, OrientDB, Neo4j and ArangoDB
  3. Terraforming Stack Overflow Enterprise in AWS
  4. Containers - What Are They Good For? Local Dependencies
  5. The Practical Test Pyramid
  6. Finding Bounded Contexts Using Domain Storytelling
  7. Data Consistency in Microservices Using Sagas
  8. MongoDB 4.0 to Include Multi-Document Transactions
  9. Using Value Objects to represent technical concerns

Programming Languages

  1. Object isomorphisms
  2. URL Matching in C#
  3. The JavaScript Supply Chain Paradox - SRI, CSP and Trust in Third Party Libraries
  4. Detect and Refactor JavaScript Copy-Paste Code


  1. Add System.IO.Pipelines API
  2. One user scenario to rule them all
  3. Top secret .NET handles - Part 2 - Ref-Counted handles
  4. .NET Framework February 2018 Security and Quality Rollup
  5. The mysterious case of the 1 minute pauses


  1. Zombie Processes are Eating your Memory
  2. Spectre mitigations in MSVC
  3. Announcing Rust 1.24
  4. My Microservices FAQ
  5. Memory management as the operating system sees it
  6. How production engineers support global events on Facebook
  7. Designing Distributed Systems

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