.NET Weekly #171 (20.04 - 26.04)

Cloud & Web

  1. Google BigQuery Unwrapped
  2. Beginners guide to gateways and proxies
  3. Adding simple email address obfuscation for your blog like Cloudflare Scrape Shield
  4. CSS is hard, Blazor and Tailwind CSS makes it easier

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Getting Started With Dgraph and GraphQL+-
  2. Node.js version 14 available now
  3. Announcing Pulumi 2.0, Now with Superpowers
  4. SourceGear.Rust.NET preview 0.1.0
  5. Secure by Default Postgres Docker Container for Development
  6. Demystifying Memory Profilers in C# .NET Part 1 - The Principles
  7. Yarp - A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications.

Architecture & Databases

  1. Reading on Design Patterns
  2. Combining event sourcing and stateful systems
  3. API design - Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST and when to use them
  4. Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases
  5. Patterns for Managing Source Code Branches - Updated
  6. Tempdb – Here’s a Problem You Didn’t Know You Have

Programming Languages

  1. Data exploration calculus - Capturing the essence of exploratory data scripting
  2. C# 9 – Positional or Nominal Creation
  3. Software Development - the Secret of Success
  4. Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core
  5. Unit bias against collections
  6. Async Wandering Part 6 — Exceptions logging
  7. The Most Exciting Promise of .NET 5


  1. Speed up mono linker by 10%
  2. Optimise MathF.CopySign and Math.CopySign using SSE intrinsics
  3. .NET Inside Out Part 17 — Abusing types to serialize non-serializable type
  4. Announcing .NET 5.0 Preview 3


  1. Building a PC, Part IX - Downsizing
  2. 6 tools that are more powerful than to-do lists for productivity
  3. Coding for Fun
  4. Time is the only real currency we have
  5. A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography
  6. Announcing HashiCorp Cloud Engineering Certifications

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