.NET Weekly #135 (15.07 - 21.07)

Cloud & Web

  1. HTTP Security Headers - A Complete Guide
  2. Azure SQL Database published the first in the industry business continuity SLA for a relational database service
  3. Managing a Secure JSON Web Token Implementation
  4. The day I crashed production 4 times
  5. ASP.NET Core gRPC Services
  6. Advancing Microsoft Azure reliability
  7. Generating strongly-typed IDs at build-time with Roslyn - Using strongly-typed entity IDs to avoid primitive obsession - Part 5
  8. Finding Your Way with DateTimes in JavaScript

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Upcoming Rider 2019.2 new features
  2. Authentication and the Have I Been Pwned API
  3. EF Core 3.0 Preview 6 1. Understanding Docker container escapes
  4. How to Monitor PostgreSQL Running Inside a Docker Container
  5. RedisTimeSeries Module Adds Time Series Database Features to Redis

Architecture & Databases

  1. Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way - Practices I Learned
  2. Faster, cheaper, and better - A story of breaking a monolith
  3. How Stack Overflow upgraded from Windows Server 2012
  4. Polling reliably at scale using DLQs
  5. Your Distributed Monoliths are secretly plotting against you
  6. Petabyte Scale Data Deduplication
  7. BRIN Index for PostgreSQL - Don’t Forget the Benefits
  8. How to model hierarchical data in noSQL databases
  9. Modeling version and temporary state in noSQL databases

Programming Languages

  1. The Best Refactoring You've Never Heard Of
  2. globalThis
  3. A proactive approach to more secure code
  4. Executing .NET Core functions in a separate process
  5. Sometimes valid RSA signatures in .NET
  6. Announcing TypeScript 3.6 Beta
  7. Introducing The Sorting Algorithm Family Reunion
  8. Selection Sort - The Sorting Algorithm Family Reunion
  9. ES proposal - private class fields


  1. Code generation and execution strategies in CoreCLR
  2. .NET Core master branches have switched to 5.0
  3. Microbenchmark Design Guidelines


  1. Everything I Know as a Software Developer Without a Degree
  2. Your nines are not my nines
  3. OutOfMemory and IT Startup card game prototypes available
  4. DragonFruit and System.CommandLine is a new way to think about .NET Console apps

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