.NET Weekly #73 (05.03 - 11.03)

Cloud & Web

  1. Decryption with Azure Key Vault
  2. Understanding the Performance Overhead of Encryption
  3. ASP.NET Core in Action - Filters
  4. Microsoft Announce General Availability of Azure Redis Cache Geo-Replication
  5. Comparing AWS Lambda performance of Node.js, Python, Java, C# and Go

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Debugging Distributed Systems
  2. Visual Studio 15.6 is out the door
  3. Productivity with ReSharper
  4. VSCode 1.21
  5. Exception popup, improved Smart Step Into, symbol servers, and more Rider 2018.1 EAP debugger updates
  6. Open-sourcing a 10x reduction in Apache Cassandra tail latency

Architecture & Databases

  1. What I Talk About When I Talk About Platforms
  2. zheap - a storage engine to provide better control over bloat
  3. Containers - What Are They Good For? Build Environments?
  4. READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT ISOLATION and High version_ghost_record_count
  5. SQL Server Graph Databases – Part 1 Introduction
  6. Future architecture - what you've got here won't get you there
  7. Jepsen analysis of Aerospike
  8. Anna - A Crazy Fast, Super-Scalable, Flexibly Consistent KVS

Programming Languages

  1. Some design patterns as universal abstractions
  2. Paradigm Shifts and the Adoption of Programming Languages
  3. Tracing from JS to the DOM and back again
  4. Progressive Locks - fast, upgradable read/write locks


  1. Really interesting discussion on the pros and cons of 'reified' and 'erased' generics (e.g CLR v JVM)
  2. The ‘in’-modifier and the readonly structs in C#
  3. System.IO in .NET Core 2.1 sneak peek


  1. The Agile Fluency Model
  2. Clang is now used to build Chrome for Windows
  3. OpenPGPjs 3.0 has been released
  4. Don't Aim for Quality, Aim for Speed
  5. GDPR for Operations
  6. LLVM 6.0.0 Release

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