.NET Weekly #76 (26.03 - 01.04)

Cloud & Web

  1. How and why I built a real-time state synchronisation service
  2. Modern Frontend Developer in 2018
  3. GraphQL with ASP.NET Core (Part- I Hello World)
  4. Scaffolding ASP.NET Core API Controllers
  5. The WebAssembly Revolution Has Begun
  6. React Code Style Guide

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Incident report - NuGet.org downtime on March 22, 2018
  2. BenchmarkDotNet - Support private builds of .NET Runtime
  3. MS Orleans v2.0.0 released!
  4. Announcing - the fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service
  5. NHibernate supports .NET Core 2.0

Architecture & Databases

  1. The Mistakes I Made As a Beginner Programmer
  2. 7 things I learnt from one of the best startups you’ll find
  3. Designing Reactive Systems Using DDD, Event Storming and Actors
  4. Chaos Architecture
  5. How to Build Observable Distributed Systems

Programming Languages

  1. The Maybe functor
  2. Exploring 4 Languages - Integrity and Consistency
  3. Announcing TypeScript 2.8
  4. How I Test My Java Classes for Thread-Safety
  5. Nullable types arithmetic and null-coalescing operator precedence
  6. Eliminating Annoying Space Characters Via Check Constraints


  1. SIMD and Vectorization in .NET - .NET Concept of the Week - Episode 11
  2. Project Bedrock update
  3. Looking inside a .NET core process using windbg


  1. M. Fowler - Announcing the Second Edition of "Refactoring"
  2. Microsoft’s Brainwave makes Bing’s AI over 10 times faster
  3. Open Sourcing a WSL Sample for Linux Distribution Maintainers and Sideloading Custom Linux Distributions
  4. Announcing Rust 1.25
  5. Releasing the Unity C# source code

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