.NET Weekly #60 (30.10 - 05.11)
Cloud & Web
- Best-Ever Algorithm Found for Huge Streams of Data
- Modernize existing .NET apps with Windows Containers and Azure
- Sentinel and Terraform Enterprise - Applying policy as code to infrastructure provisioning
- Optimizing ASP.NET Core Docker Image sizes
- The Secrets of ASP.NET Core User Secrets
- How can we apply the principles of chaos engineering to AWS Lambda?
- Azure Durable Functions - Making Serverless Last
Tooling & Libraries
- Moving to real time test discovery in Test Explorer
- Fixing the error "Program has more than one entry point defined" for console apps containing xUnit tests
- The VS Code Roadmap 2018
- BenchmarkDotNet v0.10.10
- NuGet API
- Version 5.0.0 of Angular Now Available
Architecture & Databases
- What SQL’s Co-Creator Sees in NoSQL
- SQL Server R Services - Working with Multiple Data Sets
- Exploring a new web architecture with React, Redux, Orleans and Dotnet Core
- Automatic conflict resolution
- Choosing Persistence Tooling, 2017 Edition
Programming Languages
- Tuple monoids
- Announcing TypeScript 2.6
- What are the Most Disliked Programming Languages?
- Welcome to C# 7.1
- Get All C# Classes Implementing an Interface
- Tracing method calls via Proxies
- The end of the cloud is coming
- Blockchain Just Became Obsolete. The Future is Hashgraph
- The Web began dying in 2014, here's how
- Stack Overflow Developer Desktop Build - 2017
- The bare minimum a distributed system developer should know about - networking
- The bare minimum a distributed system developer should know about - transport level security
- An HTTP Status Code for Indicating Hints