.NET Weekly #107 (17.12 - 23.12)

Cloud & Web

  1. Is ASP.NET Core now a Mature Platform?
  2. 3 tips for scaling large Vue.js application
  3. My Thoughts on the Serverless Announcements at reInvent 2018
  4. Productivity in Vue — Part 1
  5. A Fairy Tale of F# and Durable Functions

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Microsoft open sources Trill to deliver insights on a trillion events a day
  2. Enable repeatable package restores using a lock file
  3. Project Argo Goes Open Source - On-Prem Automation and Our Path to a Hybrid Environment
  4. Cloudworker  -  A local Cloudflare Worker Runner
  5. Kong 1.0 GA
  6. HTTP/3 Draft Spec
  7. Electron 4.0.0
  8. Introducing New Consul Learn Platform and New Resources - Kubernetes, AWS Cloud Map, and Many More
  9. Nomad Learning Resources - Vault Integration, Prometheus Monitoring, Reference Architecture, Deployment Guide, Load Balancing
  10. Vault Learning Resources: 1.0, Auto-unseal, Agent, Kubernetes
  11. Rider 2018.3 is released

Architecture & Databases

  1. The Guardian - Bye bye Mongo, Hello Postgres
  2. Envoy Proxy at Reddit
  3. How we deal with Data Quality using Circuit Breakers
  4. Why REST Sucks
  5. Evaluating High Availability Solutions for TimescaleDB + PostgreSQL
  6. A real-time in-game currency service with 7.5M transactions/minute
  7. PostgreSQL on the Rise - 2018 Postgres Findings & 2019 Trends
  8. Design exercise - Distributing (consistent) data at scale
  9. Design exercise - Distributing (consistent) data at scale, answer
  10. Cape Technical Deep Dive

Programming Languages

  1. Fun With __makeref
  2. Containing Null with C# 8 Nullable References
  3. Clojure’s stability - lessons learned
  4. Stop Learning Frameworks
  5. Why you should learn F#
  6. GraphIt - A high-performance graph DSL
  7. How I improved the YamlDotNet performance by 370%


  1. Add draft default interface methods specification
  2. V8 release v7.2
  3. Transport.Sockets.IOQueue to IThreadPoolWorkItem
  4. Disable AllowSynchronousIO by default in all servers in netcore 3.0
  5. Running net core app for a few hours causes .NET Framework 3.5 installation popup
  6. War Story – The Mystery Of The Very Long GC Pauses in .NET Windows Service
  7. .NET Core - What's Coming in .NET Core 3.0


  1. Windows Sandbox
  2. MIPS Goes Open Source
  3. Everything I've learned in 10 years of Blogging
  4. Dark Patterns
  5. Ode to Erlang
  6. I tried Pandora’s brilliant method for feature prioritization

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