.NET Weekly #85 (28.05 - 03.06)

Cloud & Web

  1. Why Mastercard Doesn't Use OAuth 2.0
  2. How to set up cross browser testing services
  3. IIS in-process hosting moved out of ASP.NET Core 2.1
  4. Firebase Cloud Functions - the great, the meh, and the ugly
  5. Azure Functions wants to make it easy for developers to get started with serverless
  6. Why I use GraphQL and avoid REST APIs
  7. Reconciling GraphQL and Thrift at Airbnb
  8. ASP.NET Core 2.1.0 now available
  9. Amazon Neptune Generally Available
  10. Tips on React for large scale projects
  11. Pushing NuGet packages built in Docker by running the container
  12. Under the hood of ASP.NET Core WebHooks - Introduction

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Distributed App Deployment with Kubernetes and MongoDB Atlas
  2. Systemd Introduces "Portable Services" Functionality, Similar To Containers
  3. Introducing the ReSharper performance series
  4. Taking ReSharper out of process – ReSharper performance series
  5. Component composition, just-in-time-compilation, the UI thread – ReSharper performance series
  6. Migrate a SQL Server database from Windows to Kubernetes
  7. dnSpy - .NET debugger and assembly editor
  8. Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ
  9. Introducing Git protocol version 2
  10. Reactive Extension 4.0 released

Architecture & Databases

  1. DDD & co., part 1 - What's wrong with CRUD
  2. Frontend Architecture as a Forethought
  3. Zero dependancy Pub / Sub system with PostgreSQL
  4. Redis 5.0 RC1 is out!
  5. Test Strategy for Microservices
  6. PostgreSQL 11 Release Notes
  7. Unifying Relational, Document, Graph, and Temporal Data Models
  8. PostgreSQL Streaming Replication - a Deep Dive

Programming Languages

  1. Writing a Markdown Compiler – Part 1
  2. Church-encoded natural numbers
  3. Object Validation - to Defer or Not?
  4. RAFT Explained – Introduction to the Consensus Problem
  5. GQL - initiating an industry standard property graph query language
  6. Building Redux from scratch
  7. Announcing TypeScript 2.9
  8. Fine grained unit tests are harmful


  1. Announcing .NET Core 2.1
  2. Introducing Mono on AIX and IBM i
  3. A kernel implementation of WebAssembly
  4. Blind optimizations - Making MurmurHash3 faster


  1. Proper software requirements 101
  2. Prepping for Quantum Computing - Introduction to Lattice Based Cryptography [pdf]
  3. Remediating the May 2018 Git Security Vulnerability
  4. Public Data Release of Stack Overflow’s 2018 Developer Survey
  5. Release Flow - How We Do Branching on the VSTS Team
  6. Code Reviews are Broken — Here is How to Fix Them
  7. Announcing Cachix - Binary Cache as a Service
  8. The first public release (3.0.0) of OpenAPI Generator
  9. DO - Why We Chose Ceph to Build Block Storage

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