.NET Weekly #40 (12.06 - 18.06)

Cloud & Web

  1. Resolving ASP.NET Core Startup class from the DI container
  2. Automatically validating anti-forgery tokens in ASP.NET Core
  3. Exploring GraphQL and creating a GraphQL endpoint in ASP.NET Core
  4. 10 Things To Know About In-Memory Caching In ASP.NET Core

Tooling & Libraries

  1. .NET Core 2 and Visual Studio 2017 (15.3) Preview 2
  2. The State of GraphQL - Industry Report
  3. NuGet Package Hierarchical Versioning
  4. The Future of MDN - A Focus on Web Docs
  5. Rider EAP 23 - .NET Core debugger is back, Code Cleanup, and more

Architecture & Databases

  1. The Complexity That Is Hidden in Microservices and Event Sourcing
  2. Testing Microservices
  3. Are You Ready for Zero Day Software Deployment?

Programming Languages

  1. TypeScript 2.3 - Generic Parameter Defaults
  2. Announcing TypeScript 2.4 RC
  3. Actors benchmark - F# vs Kotlin
  4. What's Next for Our Programming Languages?
  5. Viva, Visual Basic! Or, Does VB Have a Future?
  6. C# 7.x and 8.0 - Uncertainty and Awesomeness


  1. Attacking the CLR - AppDomainManager Injection
  2. How the .NET Runtime loads a Type
  3. First Foray into .NET Core 2.0
  4. To Heap or not to Heap, That’s the Large Object Question?


  1. Developers Who Use Spaces Make More Money Than Those Who Use Tabs
  2. Embed, encode, attend, predict - The new deep learning formula for state-of-the-art NLP models
  3. Get Solarized - Awesome command prompt colors for VS, VS Code, cmd, PowerShell, and more
  4. Why You Should Stop Using a Raspberry Pi for Everything
  5. Is SHA-3 slow?
  6. Pony - Co-designing a Type-system and a Runtime

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