.NET Weekly #65 (04.12 - 10.12)

Cloud & Web

  1. SO - How We’re Designing Channels
  2. Dapper, Prepared Statements, and Car Tyres
  3. Amazon Launches a New Message Broker Service in AWS
  4. Announcing ONNX 1.0 – An open ecosystem for AI
  5. Dependency Injection with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase
  6. Using Docker Hub to automatically build a Docker image for ASP.NET Core apps
  7. Five RESTFul Web Design Patterns Implemented in ASP.NET Core 2.0 Part 1 - Content Negotiation
  8. Five RESTFul Web Design Patterns Implemented in ASP.NET Core 2.0 Part 2 - HATEOAS

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.5, Visual Studio for Mac Released
  2. ProcDump-for-Linux
  3. Introducing the React RFC Process
  4. Trunk-Based Development or Pull Requests - Why Not Both?
  5. Announcing Azure Functions Runtime preview 2
  6. Stubbing your way to automated end to end testing in an API first world

Architecture & Databases

  1. NIST Publishes Guidelines on Application Container Security
  2. DAO is Yet Another OOP Shame
  3. Couchbase Ecosystem at LinkedIn
  4. API Design - The lack of a method was intentional forethought
  5. SQL Server Internals - In-Memory OLTP
  6. Azure Application Architecture Guide

Programming Languages

  1. Bounding box semigroup
  2. Over 5 Years of F#
  3. A fable of Web MIDI
  4. .NET Value Type (struct) as a DDD Value Object
  5. A different way of understanding this in JavaScript
  6. .NET String Interning to Improve String Comparison Performance (C# examples)


  1. Optimizing memory usage
  2. Tale about the tail call in dotnet
  3. A proposal to add a built-in performance profiling controller to .NET Core that will expose info/diagnostics/stats via HTTP
  4. Mix of long and short-lived dynamic methods leads to bad code heap fragmentation


  1. My online teaching story - High Performance Coding with .NET Core and C#
  2. An Introduction to Blockchain with Mark Russinovich
  3. Reinventing the FPGA Programming Wheel

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