.NET Weekly #56 (02.10 - 08.10)

Cloud & Web

  1. Creating and trusting a self-signed certificate on Linux for use in Kestrel and ASP.NET Core
  2. Cutting Edge - Policy-Based Authorization in ASP.NET Core
  3. Optimizing web servers for high throughput and low latency
  4. An introduction to Azure Web Apps on Linux
  5. Introducing NNVM Compiler - A New Open End-to-End Compiler for AI Frameworks

Tooling & Libraries

  1. VSCode - Integrated Terminal Performance Improvements
  2. Red Hat adds Go, Clang/LLVM, Rust compiler toolsets, updates GCC
  3. VSCode 1.17
  4. IdentityServer4 v2
  5. Hands-free Security Scanning within .NET Applications

Architecture & Databases

  1. Google Announces Firestore, a Document Database
  2. Inside Microsoft Azure datacenter hardware and software architecture
  3. Composite UIs for Microservices - Server Composition
  4. SQL Server Coming in on Another Platform
  5. Three Historical Definitions of the Open/Closed Principle and a Claim that it’s Pointless
  6. Domain events - simple and reliable solution
  7. Streams - a new general purpose data structure in Redis

Programming Languages

  1. Dissecting the local functions in C# 7
  2. Contributing to the F# Compiler Service
  3. From design patterns to category theory
  4. Monoids, semigroups, and friends
  5. Mooids
  6. F# Agent Pipeline Processing in Concurrent Applications


  1. How the RyuJIT source code is shared across DotNET Core and DotNET Framework
  2. Roslyn Primer – Part I - Anatomy of a Compiler
  3. Proposal for high-performance codegen-less Reflection factory APIs
  4. Allow entire Types to have their implementation replaced
  5. ResolveAssemblyReference


  1. A Large-Scale Study of Programming Languages and Code Quality in GitHub
  2. Diminishing returns of static typing
  3. Foreword to Building Evolutionary Architectures
  4. PostgreSQL 10 Released

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