.NET Weekly #77 (02.04 - 08.04)
Cloud & Web
- Separating Concerns with Key Vault
- Amazon Web Services Reports That All GA Services Are Now GDPR Ready
- ASP.NET Core and the Strategy Pattern
- A flexible new way to purchase Azure SQL Database
- How to fix IIS HTTP Error 502.5 in ASP.NET Core
- Generic and dynamically generated controllers in ASP.NET Core MVC
- What's This and Can I Delete It? Examining A Default ASP.NET MVC Project
- What is the best event source for doing pub-sub with AWS Lambda?
Tooling & Libraries
- Adding support for Debug Adapters to Visual Studio IDE
- Creating a .NET Core global CLI tool for squashing images with the TinyPNG API
- Load solutions faster with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6
- Netflix FlameScope
- VSCode 1.22
- Petabridge Zipkin driver open-sourced
- Visual Studio Roadmap
- ILSpy 3.1
Architecture & Databases
- Managing Code Complexity
- Just What Exactly Will Cast to a Bit Value?
- Strongholds of Confidence - Self-Testing Your Database
- Architecturally Aligned Testing
Programming Languages
- Maybe monoids
- F# – Azure Cosmos DB – Using the Graph API with Cosmos DB driver
- Taking a look at the ECMA-335 Standard for .NET
- Using C# await against JS Promises in Blazor
- TDD = Thought Driven Development
- Understanding TypeScript’s type notation
- Depending on Functions Instead of Interfaces - Why and How
- How to optimize .net development using .net Core 2.1 and C# 7.2
- CoreRT pieces
- Introduction of working with struct
- Porting the Unity Engine to .NET CoreCLR