.NET Weekly #48 (07.08 - 13.08)

Cloud & Web

  1. HTTP/2 push is tougher than I thought
  2. Hello WebAssembly
  3. Don't Take Security Advice from SEO Experts or Psychics
  4. .NET and WebAssembly - Is this the future of the front-end?
  5. ASP.NET Core, response compression, response buffering and subtle difference between .NET Framework and .NET Core
  6. Many-faced threats to Serverless security

Tooling & Libraries

  1. Running Entity Framework (Core) commands in Rider
  2. Akka.NET v1.3.0 Stable Release
  3. Visual Studio Code 1.5 Released
  4. Using .NET Core 2 on Raspbian Jessie to read serial data from an Arduino
  5. NuGet Fall 2017 Roadmap

Architecture & Databases

  1. Web Applications with ASP.NET Core Architecture and Patterns guidance
  2. How to Evaluate Software Quality from the Outside In
  3. The problems with DynamoDB Auto Scaling and how it might be improved
  4. Why I’m dumping Firebase for Web?
  5. Principles of Sharding for Relational Databases
  6. The Open API Initiative Announces the OpenAPI Specification 3.0.0

Programming Languages

  1. Using Generics in C# to Improve Application Maintainability
  2. Passing data between Promise callbacks
  3. ES proposal - Promise.try()
  4. ES proposal - optional catch binding


  1. .NET Framework August 2017 Security and Quality Rollup
  2. .NET Standard 2.0 is final
  3. Proposed SslStream additions for ALPN and SNI
  4. System.ValueTuple now supports .NET Framework 4.7
  5. ConcurrentDictionary.Count is locking


  1. Linux Load Averages - Solving the Mystery
  2. Unreasonable Effectiveness of Profilers
  3. Akka.NET has Joined the .NET Foundation
  4. DevOps Self Assessment from DORA, ITRev and MS
  5. The Tech Lead’s New Project Checklist
  6. Why Github can't host the Linux Kernel Community
  7. О книге Джона Сонмеза “The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide”

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